# General info: All the queries use the original titles from the Wikidata query examples webpage at https://www.mediawiki.org/w/index.php?title=Wikibase/Indexing/SPARQL_Query_Examples&oldid=2099085 # Prefixes for all the queries: PREFIX wd: PREFIX xsd: PREFIX schema: PREFIX wikibase: PREFIX rdfs: # Cats SELECT * WHERE { ?item wd:P31c wd:Q146 . } ########## # US presidents and spouses SELECT * WHERE { wd:Q30 wd:P6c ?p . ?p wd:P26c ?w . } ########## # US presidents & causes of death SELECT * WHERE { ?h wd:P39c wd:Q11696 . ?h wd:P509c ?cause . } ########## # Politicians who died of cancer (of any type) SELECT * WHERE { ?politician wd:P509c ?cause . ?politician wd:P106c wd:Q82955 . ?cause wd:P279c wd:Q12078 . } ########## # People born before year 1880 with no death date SELECT * WHERE { ?h wd:P569c "1880"^^ . ?h wd:P31c wd:Q5 . ?h wd:P570c ?d . } ########## # Largest cities with female mayor SELECT * WHERE { ?city wd:P31c wd:Q515 . ?city wd:P1082c ?population . ?city wd:P6c ?mayor . ?mayor wd:P21c wd:Q6581072 . } ########## # List of present-day countries and capital(s) SELECT * WHERE { ?country wd:P31c wd:Q3624078 . ?country wd:P36c ?capital . ?country wd:P31c wd:Q3024240 . } ########## # How many states this US state borders SELECT * WHERE { ?state wd:P31c wd:Q35657 . ?otherState wd:P47c ?state . ?otherState wd:P31c wd:Q35657 . } ########## # Whose birthday is today? SELECT * WHERE { ?s wd:P569c "1980-01-01"^^xsd:date . } ########## # Who discovered the most asteroids? SELECT * WHERE { ?asteroid wd:P31c wd:Q3863 . ?asteroid wd:P61c ?discoverer . } ########## # Who discovered the most planets? (with list) SELECT * WHERE { ?planet wd:P31c wd:Q634 . ?planet wd:P61c ?discoverer . } ########## # American universities founded before the states they reside in were created SELECT * WHERE { ?u wd:P31c wd:Q3918 . ?u wd:P131c ?state . ?state wd:P31c wd:Q35657 . ?state wd:P571c ?stateStart . ?u wd:P571c ?founded . } ########## # Properties that are defined as "qualifier only" but are used in references SELECT * WHERE { ?prop wd:P31c wd:Q18615010 . } # NOTE: The query 'Aliases of properties which are used more than once' cannot be represented using the direct statements fragment ########## # List of space probes with pictures SELECT * WHERE { ?spaceProbe wd:P31c wd:Q26529 . ?spaceProbe wd:P18c ?picture . ?spaceProbe wd:P619c ?date . } ########## # List of parliament buildings with pictures by country SELECT * WHERE { ?building wd:P31c wd:Q7138926 . ?building wd:P18c ?picture . ?building wd:P17c ?country . } ########## # List of actors with pictures with year of birth and/or death SELECT * WHERE { ?human wd:P106c wd:Q33999 . ?human wd:P569c ?dob . ?human wd:P31c wd:Q5 . ?human wd:P18c ?picture . ?human wd:P570c ?dod } ########## # French people with an article on the English Wikipedia but not on the French one SELECT * WHERE { ?sitelink schema:about ?item . ?item wd:P27c wd:Q142 . ?item wd:P31c wd:Q5 . ?wfr schema:about ?item . ?wfr schema:inLanguage "fr" . } ########## # Number of scientists per gender SELECT * WHERE { ?human wd:P106c wd:Q901 . ?human wd:P31c wd:Q5 . ?human wd:P21c ?gender . } ########## # Mushers with neither a ranking in a race nor a reason for not finishing it SELECT * WHERE { ?race wd:P31c wd:Q1968664 } ########## # Number of ministers who are themselves children of a minister, per country SELECT * WHERE { ?child wd:P39c wd:Q83307 . ?child wd:P22c ?parent . ?child wd:P31c wd:Q5 . ?parent wd:P39c wd:Q83307 . ?child wd:P27c ?country . ?country wd:P901c ?cc . } ########## # Rock bands that start with "M" SELECT * WHERE { ?band wd:P31c wd:Q5741069 . } ########## # Wikidata items with a wikispecies sitelink (limited to 222) SELECT * WHERE { ?article schema:about ?item . } ########## # Books by a given Author including genres, series, and publication year SELECT * WHERE { ?book wd:P31c wd:Q571 . ?book wd:P50c wd:Q23434 . ?book wd:P136c ?genre . ?book wd:P179c ?series . ?book wd:P577c ?publicationDate . } ########## # Globes used to represent coordinates SELECT * WHERE { ?v wikibase:geoGlobe ?globe } ########## # Winner of the Academy Awards by Award and Time SELECT * WHERE { ?item wd:P106c wd:Q3455803 . # Items with the Occupation(P106) of Director(Q3455803) or a subclass(P279) ?item wd:P166c wd:Q103360 . # ... that has the value Academy Award for Best Director(Q103360) } ########## # Mountains over 8000 elevation SELECT * WHERE { ?subj wd:P2044c "8000"^^ . ?subj wd:P625c ?coord . } ########## # Actresses without a description in Spanish SELECT * WHERE { ?item wd:P106c wd:Q33999 . ?item wd:P21c wd:Q6581072 . ?item wd:P31c wd:Q5 . } ########## # Academy award data SELECT * WHERE { ?award wd:P31c wd:Q19020 . ?human wd:P166c ?award . ?human wd:P31c wd:Q5 . } ########## # Paintings by Gustav Klimt SELECT * WHERE { ?item wd:P31c wd:Q3305213 . ?item wd:P170c wd:Q34661 . ?item wd:P18c ?pic . } ########## # Number of handed out academy awards per award type SELECT * WHERE { ?award wd:P31c wd:Q19020 . # All items that are instance of(P31) of Academy awards (Q19020) ?awardee wd:P166c ?award . ?awardee wd:P31c wd:Q5 . } ########## # Birthplaces of German Poets SELECT * WHERE { ?subj wd:P106c wd:Q49757 . ?subj wd:P19c ?place . ?place wd:P17c wd:Q183 . ?place wd:P625c ?coord . } ########## # Authors, writers and poets ranked by sitelink and also includes "country of citizenship". SELECT * WHERE { ?s wd:P106c wd:Q36180 . ?s wd:P27c ?pl . } ########## # Orders "instances of" "books" with an author by "site link" # note: schema:about does not exist in the direct statements fragment SELECT * WHERE { ?s wd:P31c wd:Q571 . ?s wd:P50c ?author . } ########## # Books or literary works published before 1830 with place of publication or narrative location coordinates SELECT * WHERE { ?subj wd:P31c wd:Q571 . ?subj wd:P577c ?date . ?subj wd:P291c ?place . ?place wd:P625c ?coord . } ########## # Place of publication unbound SELECT * WHERE { ?subj wd:P291c ?place . ?place wd:P625c ?coord . } ########## # Birthplace of composers SELECT * WHERE { ?subj wd:P106c wd:Q36834 . ?subj wd:P19c ?place . ?place wd:P625c ?coord . ?subj wd:P18c ?picture . } ########## # Locations of national parks SELECT * WHERE { ?object wd:P31c wd:Q46169 . # instance-of national-park ?object wd:P856c ?link . # official-website ?object wd:P625c ?coord . # coordinate-location } ########## # Locations of universities in Germany SELECT * WHERE { ?university wd:P31c wd:Q3918 . ?university wd:P17c wd:Q183 . ?university wd:P625c ?coord . ?university wd:P856c ?website . } ########## # Locations of power stations SELECT * WHERE { ?object wd:P31c wd:Q159719 . ?object wd:P625c ?coord. } ########## # Locations of stone arch bridges SELECT * WHERE { ?subj wd:P31c wd:Q14276458 . ?subj wd:P186c wd:Q22731 . ?subj wd:P625c ?coord . ?subj wd:P18c ?image . } ########## # Locations of aqueducts SELECT * WHERE { ?subj wd:P31c wd:Q474 . ?subj wd:P625c ?coord . } ########## # Locations of archaelogical sites SELECT * WHERE { ?subj wd:P31c wd:Q839954 . ?subj wd:P625c ?coord . } ########## # Locations of castles that are also archaeological sites (847 results) SELECT * WHERE { ?subj wd:P31c wd:Q839954 . ?subj wd:P31c wd:Q23413 . ?subj wd:P625c ?coord . } ########## # Locations of battles SELECT * WHERE { ?subj wd:P31c wd:Q178561 . ?subj wd:P625c ?coord . ?subj wd:P580c ?d1 . ?subj wd:P585c ?d2 . ?subj wd:P582c ?d3 . } ########## # Locations of Pablo Picasso works SELECT * WHERE { ?subj wd:P170c wd:Q5593 . ?subj wd:P276c ?loc . ?loc wd:P625c ?coord } ########## # All museums (including subclass of museum) in Washington, D.C. with coordinates SELECT * WHERE { ?item wd:P131c wd:Q61 . ?item wd:P625c ?coord . ?item wd:P31c wd:Q33506 . } ########## # All ski resorts with coordinates SELECT * WHERE { ?item wd:P31c wd:Q130003 . ?item wd:P625c ?coord . } ########## # Mountains, with coordinates, not located on Earth SELECT * WHERE { ?item wd:P31c wd:Q8502 . ?item wd:P625c ?coord . ?item wd:P376c ?location . ?item wd:P376c wd:Q2 . } ########## # Literary Works by Label Count SELECT * WHERE { ?s rdfs:label ?label . ?s wd:P31c wd:Q7725634 . } ########## # All subclasses of "Literary Work" SELECT * WHERE { ?s wd:P279c wd:Q7725634 . } ########## # Epic Poems by Label Count SELECT * WHERE { ?s rdfs:label ?label . ?s wd:P31c wd:Q37484 . } ########## # Epic Poems by SiteLink Count SELECT * WHERE { ?sitelink schema:about ?s . ?s wd:P31c wd:Q37484 . } ########## # Instance of Book by Sitelink Count SELECT * WHERE { ?sitelink schema:about ?s . ?s wd:P31c wd:Q571 . } ########## # Finding John and Sarah Connor SELECT * WHERE { ?p wd:P1080c wd:Q620588 . ?p wd:P25c ?m . } ########## # Gender balance of members of Irish parliament SELECT * WHERE { ?subj wd:P39c wd:Q654291 . ?subj wd:P21c ?gender . } ########## # Most popular tonality SELECT * WHERE { ?work wd:P826c ?tonality. } ########## # List of torture devices SELECT * WHERE { ?thing wd:P366c wd:Q132781 . ?thing wd:P18c ?image . } ########## # Biologists with Twitter accounts SELECT * WHERE { ?person wd:P2002c ?twitterName . ?person wd:P106c wd:Q864503 . ?person wd:P18c ?pic . } ########## # Locations of air accidents SELECT * WHERE { ?subj wd:P31c wd:Q744913 . ?subj wd:P625c ?coord . } ########## # French heads of government by length of service SELECT * WHERE { ?item wd:P39c wd:Q15135541 . ?item wd:P31c wd:Q5 . ?item wd:P18c ?picture . } ########## # Public sculptures in Paris SELECT * WHERE { ?item wd:P31c wd:Q860861. # sculpture ?item wd:P136c wd:Q557141 . # genre : art public ?item wd:P131c ?arr. # ... ou dans un arrondissement de Paris ?arr wd:P131c wd:Q90. # ... située dans Paris ?item wd:P170c ?Qcreateur. # créateur/créatrice (option) ?item wd:P571c ?date. ?item wd:P18c ?image. ?item wd:P625c ?coord. } ########## # Women that are artists SELECT * WHERE { ?women wd:P106c wd:Q483501 . # artists ?women wd:P21c wd:Q6581072 . ?women wd:P31c wd:Q5 . } ########## # Largest cities of the world SELECT * WHERE { ?city wd:P31c wd:Q515 . ?city wd:P1082c ?population . ?city wd:P625c ?gps . } ########## # Most popular fathers SELECT * WHERE { ?subj wd:P22c ?father . ?father wd:P18c ?picture . } ########## # Items with the most birth dates SELECT * WHERE { ?person wd:P569c "1965-01-01"^^xsd:date . } ########## # Select French municipalities by INSEE code (select by identifier) SELECT * WHERE { ?entity wd:P374c "75056" . } ########## # The Simpsons episodes SELECT * WHERE { ?season wd:P361c wd:Q886 . ?episode wd:P361c ?season . } ########## # Popular series SELECT * WHERE { ?season wd:P361c wd:Q886 . ?episode wd:P361c ?season . } ########## # Statements from Literature SELECT * WHERE { ?entry wd:P356c ?doi . } ########## # All pKa data in Wikidata and the source titles (72 results) SELECT * WHERE { ?wikidata wd:P1117c ?foo } ########## # Overall causes of death ranking SELECT * WHERE { ?pid wd:P509c ?cid . ?pid wd:P31c wd:Q5 . } ########## # WWII battle durations SELECT * WHERE { ?item wd:P361c wd:Q362 . ?item wd:P31c wd:Q178561 . ?item wd:P580c ?start . ?item wd:P582c ?end . } ########## # Common phrases SELECT * WHERE { ?q wd:P31c wd:Q15841920. } ########## # Poets and monarchs SELECT * WHERE { ?poet wd:P39c wd:Q877838 . ?poet wd:P18c ?image . ?poet wd:P569c ?dob . ?poet wd:P570c ?dod . } ########## # List of digital libraries in the world SELECT * WHERE { ?digitalLibrary wd:P31c wd:Q212805 . ?digitalLibrary wd:P856c ?website . } ########## # List of computer files formats SELECT * WHERE { ?idExtension wd:P31c wd:Q235557 . ?idExtension wd:P1195c ?extension . ?idExtension wd:P1163c ?mediaType . } ########## # List of pharmaceutical drugs SELECT * WHERE { ?molecule wd:P31c wd:Q12140 . ?molecule wd:P274c ?formule . ?molecule wd:P117c ?picture . } ########## # List of theater plays SELECT * WHERE { ?play wd:P31c wd:Q25379 . } ########## # List of popes SELECT * WHERE { ?link wd:P39c wd:Q19546 . ?link wd:P18c ?picture . ?link wd:P31c wd:Q5 . ?link wd:P569c ?dateOfBirth . ?link wd:P570c ?dateOfDeath . } ########## # List of W3C standards SELECT * WHERE { ?standard wd:P1462c wd:Q37033 . ?standard wd:P856c ?website . } ########## # Population in Europe after 1960 SELECT * WHERE { ?object wd:P31c wd:Q185441 . ?object wd:P1082c ?populationStatement . } ########## # Publishers by occupation SELECT * WHERE { ?object wd:P31c wd:Q13442814 . ?object wd:P50c ?author . ?author wd:P106c ?occupation . } ########## # Fictional subjects of the marvel universe (3K results) SELECT * WHERE { ?p wd:P1080c wd:Q931597 . ?p wd:P31c ?m . } ########## # Depicted objects in art work SELECT * WHERE { ?item wd:P180c ?depicts . } ########## # Most eponymous mathematicians SELECT * WHERE { ?item wd:P138c ?eponym . ?eponym wd:P106c wd:Q170790 . }